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Cytotoxic chemical spill kit


This cytotoxic chemical spill kit has been especially designed for the control of spills where cytotoxic drugs are prepared. This kit can be used for both chemical and body fluid clean-up.

Dimensions 29 × 29 × 13 cm

This cytotoxic chemical spill kit has been especially designed for the control of spills where cytotoxic drugs are prepared. This kit can be used for both chemical and body fluid clean-up.


Cytotoxic drugs are commonly used in chemotherapy treatment of serious diseases and present additional risks to healthcare workers and carers. Whether the chemicals themselves or body fluid from patients, cytotoxic drugs can be extremely harmful to your health.


This cytotoxic chemical spill kit is suitable for use in hospitals, health care facilities, patient transport, veterinary clinics, medical centres, aged care, nursing homes.


⦁ Contains ChemoPlus super absorbent pads with an impregnated solidifying agent that turns liquids into gel.
⦁ Contains a range of PPE to protect clean-up personnel against accidental exposure.
⦁ Use the Cytotoxic labelled waste bags for disposal and the red alginate bag for contaminated clothing.
⦁ A scoop, pan, sanitising liquid and absorbent wash cloths are included to clean up and sanitise the spill area.
⦁ Kit includes operating instructions, CYTOTOXIC SPILL warning signs and component list.


Spill kits are available in an extensive range of sizes and types to ensure a fit for purpose spill kit is on hand to help minimise risk and meet environmental obligations.


Cytotoxic spill kits are just a part of our larger lab and healthcare spill kit range. To view the full range on our website please click here to view.

  • 1  x Instruction sheet
  • 1 x Respirator, disposable, N95
  • 1 x Safety goggles, clear
  • 1 x Protective gown, elastic cuffs
  • 1 x Gloves, disposable, nitrile, deep blue, M
  • 1 x Gloves, disposable, nitrile, deep blue, L
  • 1 x Overboots, disposable, pair
  • 1 x Hair net, 21” bouffant, white1 Potable water, 500mL
  • 1 x Scoop and scraper
  • 6 x ChemoPlus absorbent pad, 30×30
  • 4 x Absorbent pad, low lint, grey
  • 1 x Aussan organic sanitiser, 50mL
  • 2 x Cytotoxic Spill warning sign
  • 1 x Alginate bag, red, 72×99
  • 2 x Cytotoxic waste bag, purple c/w ties

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